Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Knowing Some of The Best Domestic Cleaning Tricks

If you have ever hired a domestic cleaning service to spruce up your apartment or house, no doubt you might be impressed with the tricks they had utilized to clean your home thoroughly and efficiently. These domestic cleaners have the knack to make their work look painfully easy.

Here are some of the best domestic cleaning tricks to help you achieve the same proficiency

How to Live Without Mop or Vacuum

Here's the first technique: Take a few or a bunch of paper towels or napkins. Spray the floor with multipurpose cleaner, and wipe up with the paper towels or napkins. Please note that the wetter the paper towel or napkin, the more likely it is to collect hair, bits of food stuffs, and various types of crumbs that stick to moist, thin wood.

Technique number two: Take an old, clean rag and spray thoroughly with multipurpose cleaner. (You can buy a bag of cheap dishtowels for a buck and discard them after use.) Place the rag on the floor, and move it around with a push broom.

The Importance of Not Using Bleach Disks in Toilets

Bleach disks eat away at the plastic parts in your toilet. If you use bleach disks for a long time, your toilet will just keep running.

Once a week, at night, take the lid off your toilet and pour four cups of vinegar into the tank. Don't pour it in the bowl because every time you flush it will wash the vinegar through the whole system. That's not the idea. If it's in the tank it will keep the bowl smelling nicely (if you like the smell of vinegar). After the first flush, it won't smell like vinegar any more. The vinegar will also keep your water jets open, decreasing the likelihood of a clogged toilet.

Hey Dust, Now It's War!

When you're home looking around during a commercial, do you notice tiny grains on the furniture and dullness everywhere? When you walk through your front door, do you see a kaleidoscope of particles, hair, and dander floating in the air? When you type on the keyboard, do your fingers feel like they're walking on the beach? That, boys and girls, is dust.

A plain paper towel or napkin with multipurpose cleaner also works. Lightly dampen the paper towel with cleaner, and then clean just as you would with a cloth. Never use this method on electronics since the wetness will damage the electronics.

Refrigerator Maintenance

If food is healthy, it will go bad quickly. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are no longer considered fresh after a few days and will be completely spoiled in a week. To accommodate this fact of life, you'll need to clean your refrigerator once a week, every two weeks at the very least, of any/all now unhealthy, spoiled food.

The Baking Soda Myth

An open box of baking soda does nothing to quarantine or dispose of the smell of decaying food. The only thing that keeps your fridge fresh and clean is if you keep it cleaned out. Every six months take everything out. Then wash it from top to bottom with a rag dipped in baking soda and warm water (yes, the baking soda has some good uses). Don't forget to clean the drawers since this is where you find that last piece of sea kelp or lettuce and the leaky soda lake with islands of mold. Once it's completely cleaned, dry the refrigerator with a paper towel.

Various Methods Of Commercial Joinery In Details

As a matter of fact there are actually several different methods of commercial joinery that you can choose from, be it for a personal project or as a part of your job. It's therefore important that you get to choose the right one for any particular application. If you do not get your joinery right, the overall quality of the work piece may be affected and it may not even last for long. You can thus use the following guide to help you choose the kind of joint for your joinery project, based on the application or the type of wood used.

Basic Butt- This happens to be the simplest method of joining any two pieces of wood. It just involves putting two pieces of wood together so as to form a right angle. It is most ideal for construction projects, and for not fine woodworking or even furniture building.

Tongue and Groove Method - Is a bit stronger than a basic butt joint and is basically used to join two wood pieces together, end to end. In this method, however, one piece always has a protruding end (tongue) that is then inserted into the other piece's hollowed section (groove). It is often used in both fine woodworking as well as furniture building.

Dado - the procedure followed here is quite similar to that of the tongue and groove method where a piece of wood slots into a groove created at the end of the other piece of wood. It comes in handy in plywood.

Rabbet - This is a joinery method in which a piece of wood is usually connected to a four-sided backboard to eventually form a box. Just like the dado type, it's equally common with plywood joinery and cabinetry as well.

Sliding Dovetail - This joinery method is quite similar to the dado type save for the fact that it is much stronger because its slots are more triangular shaped rather than square. It's most suitable for assembling drawers.

Through Dovetail - Is undoubtedly the most preferred joinery techniques. It is created by having an avalanche of tabs along a piece of wood's edge and then slotting them together with others. It is used in building of furniture since it is such a strong joint.

What Should One Look for in a Commercial Joinery Company

As you set out to go look for the right company that could handle your projects, this would be the most likely million dollar question on your mind. A good company should be the one that is happy to meet potential customers both at home and their workplaces and show them pictures of the major projects they have handled in the past besides keeping them in the know on how their projects are going.

If your questions are not well answered by the representatives, don't hesitate to contact the management of the commercial joinery company, who should be in a better position to answer you directly. If they really want your business then they should be willing and happy to respond to all your queries and concerns. If you are not happy with their answers, then it means that you won't be probably satisfied by their joinery work as well.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Looking After your Own Plumbing

Water is a major part of any plumbing issues in homes. Fortunately, there can be many steps taken by homeowners in order to prevent any plumbing nightmares and to avoid calling a plumber as much as possible.

Empty your septic tank after every five years, and maintain it properly. With sediment building up, the septic system can fail altogether. Thoroughly clean out the aerator by using a small brush dipped in vinegar. Rinse off the aerator after cleaning it, and put it back on the faucet. Also, remove any obstacles in aerators in order to improve the water pressure.

It is quite easy to fix noisy pipes. Any exposed pipes can be anchored. Simply cut a hole in the wall or ceiling for doing so.

Do remember that garbage disposal blades can get damaged by pumpkin, chicken sink and bananas. Use your garbage can for storing such materials that your disposal can not handle.

Put strainers in all drains strainers in order to gather particulate matter which can lead to clogging of pipes. Clean out these strainers frequently. Also, keep your bathroom drains cleaned out.

In case of any unwanted water draining into your dishwasher, check out if the hose to the kitchen sink has been installed properly. The hose that goes from the dishwasher to the sink has to angle uphill and then go back downhill in order to prevent water from both of these getting mixed.

Use proper tools and chemicals in order to maintain your pipes and to prevent any kind of blockages. This is especially important for the outside pipes as well as toilet drains.

In order to avoid frozen pipes, ensure that no area of your house will ever fall below freezing point. Also, any pipes that are exposed to these temperatures need to be protected with insulation.

In case of a clogged toilet, resolve this by pouring warm water directly into the toilet bowl. Repeat this till the water in the toilet goes back to its normal level.

Be careful when selecting a drain cleaner. This is because some drain cleaners may even damage your pipes.

Remember that plumbing is not related to water only. There is so much else that you need to know and do in order to develop your plumbing skills.

In order to avoid any kind of toilet problems, never use it like a trash can. Do not flush anything down the toilet except just human waste besides toilet tissue. Never flush sanitary napkins, diapers, or disposable napkins, or any other such material as this will surely lead to a clogged drain along with a backed-up toilet. Also, minimize your toilet paper use.

If you find that a pipe has frozen, use your hairdryer in order to warm it. Use a low heat setting on your hairdryer. It will take some time, but you will not have to call a professional plumber.

In case of any plumbing issue in the toilet, check the flapper first as it is usually the cause behind a lot of problems. Also, the flapper tends to deteriorate much more quickly than any other toilet parts.